
Welcome to Plastic Surgeon Dreaming. I am Dr. Sven Gunther, a Plastic Surgery Resident. Basically I am a giant science nerd.

I am passionate about plastic surgery, especially skin care and the integration of medicine into our daily lives. My dream is to share my experience about plastic surgery, health, beauty, and skin care, and to answer any questions that you might have on these topics. My goal is for my information to be easy to understand, fun to read, and most importantly backed by research and basic science.

Plastic Surgeon Dreaming was started after frequent questions from friends and family about what they should be doing to look and feel their best. I hope to use my knowledge to teach you not only what works, but also how and why it works and give you pointers on how to make your own informed decisions. #themoreyouknow

The opinions and advice in this blog stem from my experiences and background in science and medicine. Prior to becoming a Plastic Surgery Resident, I graduated from medical school AOA at UC Davis with an additional Master’s degree in Clinical Research, and graduated Summa Cum Laude at UC San Diego with a Bachelor’s degree in Bio-Chemistry and Cell Biology with an Associate’s degree in Chemistry from Mesa College.

As always you should consult your medical provider before starting any new medical regimen. I will share some of my experiences but these may not be the same experiences that every person may have. I cannot give medical advice and will defer to your medical provider that knows your personal medical history.

Thank you for visiting!

Plastic Surgeon Dreaming