My favorite chemical-based sunscreen by far is Ocean Potion. I have been using their products for the past 10-ish years and I have loved it, even when they changed their formula. But they have since changed it again back to closer to what it used to be like back in the day. The sunscreen works: when used properly my very pale skin does not burn, the most important quality of a sun screen. On top of that Ocean Potion does not have a typical sunscreen smell but rather smells lightly of an orangesicle, which for me was the biggest draw as I wear sunscreen everyday.
Ocean Potion goes on smooth and does not dry too sticky when compared to other sunscreens of its type.
The bottle is pretty standard for sunscreen and is not obnoxious but also will not be turning any heads.
I find that it is one of those products I rave about and once people try it they understand. The one negative about the product is recently it has been hard to find. I used to get it at CVS and Walgreens but they seemed to stop carrying it in my area. It can be purchased on Amazon but tends to be a bit more expensive than previously but for me it is totally worth the cost.