Tretinoin… It is Basically Magic

Tretinoin what is it?

Well, here are the deets… It is a prescription topical cream that is a derivative of Vitamin A similar to Retin-A but much more potent. Tretinoin is not to be confused with isotretinoin (trade name Accutane) which is an oral medication used for severe acne.

But what can it do for me?

This is the only thing that can actually reverse the damage done to your skin by the sun. It improves skin tone, increases elasticity of the skin by increasing collagen production which is what makes skin plump, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and if that was not enough reduces acne. It works at the cellular level and actually changes the way your skin functions at the chemical level. I’ll post some articles below for the nerds that want to read the nitty-gritty.

I have used this personally for the past 8 years and it has been the best thing that I have done for my skin. Before and after pictures online do not do it justice as tretinoin changes how your skin feels not just how it looks.

I have started many of my friends on it and those that have kept it up have loved it. When one of my Tretinoin-using friends went home for the holidays, her family accused her of using Botox, which she does not use, because her skin looked so good. Naturally, they all started using it as well.

Sounds too good to be true!

Well you can’t get something for nothing. First of all it is a prescription so you will have to make a trip to the doctor to get this cream. Tretinoin may not be covered by insurance. My current insurance unfortunately does not but for a 45 gram tube was about $100 and lasted me about 2 years. When it was covered by insurance it was $10.

I like to tell people that Tretinoin is a lifestyle. You will have to make some changes to your habits. For one, it makes your skin extra sensitive to the sun. You will have to wear a good sunscreen daily I mean you should anyway, but that is a whole other post. It is a daily cream and you will have to use it consistently every night to get the benefits.

When you start Tretinoin there are about six weeks of what can only be described as “Ugly” time. When I start people on Tretinoin, I like to tell them that this is a marathon for the best skin of your life, and you will have to push through. You will want to stop, but you can do it! Keep going! Depending on how sensitive your skin is your experience will vary. I will share my experience but before I start remember that it was so worth it. I would do it all over again if I had to.

This cream is applied in a pea-sized amount to the entire face at night after washing your face. Tretinoin breaks down in the light and can only be used at night. I like to put a night cream over the Tretinoin as it helps with any dryness and helps with flacking in the beginning. Don’t use anything with Vit-C however because this will also deactivate the Tretinoin.

I will confess I have sensitive skin so my experience is a little more extreme than others I have started it on.

Weeks 0-2: When I started, the first few days went well, and I had convinced myself that maybe I would be spared the side effects I had read about… but no. My skin became red and swollen and I began to have what can only be described as face dandruff. Like accidently wipe your face on your shirt and leave a streak of dead skin. I was peeling and flaking, like how do I have this much dead skin?!?!?! My face was red and blotchy and it hurt… like I had a sunburn. This lasted for about two weeks at which time I was like, “Seriously, what am I doing?!?!” But I endured.

Week 3: The swelling and pain started to improve. I started to notice that smile lines around my eyes were disappearing and all the freckles I had were nearly gone. My pores started to look smaller and my skin was becoming smoother. I was still having facial peeling but since my face was not sore anymore I could exfoliate a few times a day and with lotion I was able to control it.

Week 4: The peeling was much improved and I started to get compliments on my skin. My skin tone was even. My pores looked smaller. Majority of fine lines were gone. Historically, I am acne prone and was essentially acne free. From there on out the side effects improved.

Week 6: I was not peeling anymore, I looked younger, and I had the best skin I have ever had… hands down. Skin continued to improve for about the next 4-6 months and improvement plateaued.


  1. Tretinoin = Amazing
  2. Starting it kind of sucks, but it is worth it. So worth it!
  3. Sunscreen. Sunscreen.


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